Coffee Packs for Charity

We've been having lots of fun over here at the Comfort Zone Cafe! 

IMG 20191202 094916Back in October one of our staff asked if we would be able to help the Character Council of Hamburg High School raise money to buy holiday meals for local families in need. We wanted to help but decided not to just stop there, and so began Coffee Packs for Charity. For every 2oz coffee packet that we sell through the end of 2019 Comfort Zone Cafe is donating $.50 to a non-profit organization. Coffee packets come in regular, flavored, decaf regular, and decaf flavors, and they sell for $2 a piece.   

Starting in October we raised money for a domestic violence shelter. We capped off November with a check to the Character Council. And now we're on to December, or Dressember if you will.

Dressember became our charity of choice for this month because our very own barista, Zenia, and her 2-yr-old daughter are participating in the drive this year! For every day of December the two them will be wearing dresses to raise awareness and funds for the fight against human trafficking. 

dressemberSince 2013 Dressember has equipped & empowered over 20,000 everyday people to raise over $7.5 million to fund vital anti-trafficking work in America & around the world. They "believe in a world where all people are free to live vibrant, autonomous lives. As an anti-trafficking foundation, we partner with leading organizations around the world to fund rescue, aftercare, and prevention to help bring an end to human trafficking for good."

To follow Zenia and Evelyn during their Dressember journey you can hop on their Facebook Fundraiser page.

We're looking forward to adding to the cause at the end of this year through our Coffee Packs for Charity donation.



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Comfort Zone Cafe, Hamburg, NY